Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Combustion and Flame

 Combustion and Flame

Q.1. What is the scientific term for burning?

Q.2. What is combustion?

Q.3. Which are the two types of substances divided on the basis of combustion?

Q.4. What are combustible substances? Give examples.

Q.5. What are non-combustible substances? Give examples.

Q.6. Which gas is called a supporter of combustion?

Q.7. How is heat and light produced in the Sun?

Q.8. What is the ignition temperature?

Q.9. Which conditions are necessary for combustion to take place?

Q.10. What are inflammable substances? Give examples.

Q.11. How many types of combustion are there?

Q.12. When does a spontaneous combustion occur?

Q.13. Give examples of spontaneous combustion?

Q.14. Where is sodium stored to prevent spontaneous combustion?

Q.15. Where is potassium stored to prevent spontaneous combustion?

Q.16. When does a rapid combustion occur? Give examples.

Q.17. What is an explosion? Give examples.

Q.18. How can fire be controlled?

Q.19. What is the job of a fire extinguisher?

Q.20. How does the fire brigade control the fire?

Q.21. Where water cannot be used to extinguish fire?

Q.22. Name two simplest fire extinguishers?

Q.23. Describe a soda acid type fire extinguisher?

Q.24. Give the reaction of sodium bicarbonate and sulphuric acid.

Q.25. Describe a CO2 fire extinguisher?

Q.26. What are the colours of burning flame?

Q.27. Where is the yellow flame found?

Q.28. Where is the blue flame found?

Q.29. What is a flame?

Q.30. How are flames classified?

Q.31. What is a luminous flame? Where is it found?

Q.32. What is a non-luminous flame? Where is it found?

Q.33. What is paraffin wax?

Q.34. Which are the four zones of a candle flame? Explain the four zones?

Q.35. What is fuel? Give examples?

Q.36. Why does the wick of a candle not burn?

Q.37. Give examples of solid fuels?

Q.38. Give examples of liquid fuels?

Q.39. Give examples of gaseous fuels?

Q.40. What is the full form of LPG?

Q.41. What is the full form of CNG?

Q.42. What are the characteristics of good fuel?

Q.43. Which fuels fulfill most of the criteria of a good or ideal fuel?

Q.44. What is calorific value?

Q.45. What are the harmful effects of burning fuels?

Q.46. Which respiratory disease is caused by the unburnt carbon particles?

Q.47. Which gas causes respiratory problems?

Q.48. What is acid rain? How is it harmful?

Coal and Petroleum

 Coal and Petroleum

Q.1. What are natural resources?

Q.2. What natural resources include?

Q.3. Natural resources are classified into which two classes?

Q.4. What are inexhaustible natural resources? Give examples.

Q.5. What are exhaustible natural resources? Give examples.

Q.6. Name three fossil fuels.

Q.7. What is coal? Give its uses.

Q.8. Where are coal mines located in India?

Q.9. Explain the formation of coal?

Q.10. What is carbonisation?

Q.11. What are the constituents of coal?

Q.12. Which are the three varieties of coal? Give their carbon content.

Q.13. What is obtained by the destructive distillation of coal?

Q.14. What is a coal tar? Which substances are manufactured with it?

Q.15. What is the substitute of coal tar for metalling the roads?

Q.16. What is a coke? What are its uses?

Q.17. What are the constituents of coal gas?

Q.18. What are the uses of coal gas?

Q.19. Name two useful forms of carbon?

Q.20. What is petroleum?

Q.21. Name three fuels obtained from petroleum?

Q.22. Explain the formation of petroleum?

Q.23. Where was the first oil well drilled?

Q.24. Where is crude oil or petroleum found in India?

Q.25. Which are the various constituents of petroleum? Give their uses.

Q.26. What is natural gas?

Q.27. What is the full form of PNG?

Q.28. Where is PNG supplied in India?

Q.29. What is the full form of CNG?

Q.30. What are the uses of natural gas?

Q.31. What are the uses of CNG?

Q.32. What makes CNG an ideal fuel?

Q.33. Where are natural gas wells found in India?

Q.34. What is the full form of PCRA?

Q.35. Which tips are given by PCRA to save petrol/diesel?

Metals and Non Metals

Metals and Non Metals

Q.1. What are the uses of copper, silver, gold, iron, aluminium and mercury?

Q.2. What are elements?

Q.3. How many elements are known till today?

Q.4. How many elements occur naturally?

Q.5. How are elements classified?

Q.6. What are minerals?

Q.7. What are ores?

Q.8. Which non-metals are found in the free state?

Q.9. Which gases occur only in a free state in nature?

Q.10. State the physical properties of metals and non-metals?

Q.11. What do you mean by lustrous?

Q.12. What is ductility? Which metals are ductile?

Q.13. What is malleability? Which metals are malleable?

Q.14. State the chemical properties of metals and non metals?

Q.15. What is electropositivity? Which is electropositive, metals or nonmetals?

Q.16. What is electronegativity? Which is electronegative, metals or nonmetals?

Q.17. Which compound is formed by iron with oxygen at high temperature?

Q.18. Which compound is known as Philosopher’s wool?

Q.19. Which coloured flame is produced when zinc is strongly heated with oxygen?

Q.20. What is produced by the reaction of non metals with oxygen?

Q.21. Which coloured flame is produced when sodium metal is heated with oxygen?

Q.22. Which compound is produced when sodium metal is heated with oxygen?

Q.23. What happens when magnesium is heated with oxygen?

Q.24. Which compound is produced when copper is heated with oxygen?

Q.25. What is the nature of oxides of metals?

Q.26. What is produced by the reaction of nonmetals with oxygen?

Q.27. What is produced when sulphur burns in oxygen?

Q.28. Which acid is produced when sulphur is dissolved in water?

Q.29. Which compound is produced when phosphorus burns in oxygen?

Q.30. Explain the reaction of metals with water?

Q.31. What happens when sodium and potassium is reacted with water?

Q.32. What happens when magnesium reacts with hot water or steam?

Q.33. What happens when calcium reacts with water?

Q.34. What happens when iron reacts with water?

Q.35. What happens when zinc reacts with steam?

Q.36. Does copper react with water?

Q.37. Do non metals react with water?

Q.38. What happens when metals react with dil.HCL and dil. H2SO4?

Q.39. Do non metals react with dilute acids?

Q.40. What happens when zinc reacts with sodium hydroxide?

Q.41. What happens when tin reacts with sodium hydroxide?

Q.42. What happens when aluminium reacts with sodium hydroxide and water?

Q.43. What happens when aluminium reacts with sodium hydroxide?

Q.44. What is a reactivity series or activity series? Write it.

Q.45. What is the displacement reaction? Give an example.

Q.46. What happens when zinc reacts with copper sulphate solution?

Q.47. What happens when iron reacts with copper sulphate solution?

Q.48. What happens when copper reacts with silver nitrate solution?

Q.49. What happens to the blue solution of copper sulphate when zinc is added to it?

Q.50. What happens to the blue solution of copper sulphate when iron is added to it?

Q.51. What happens to a colourless solution of silver nitrate when copper is added to it?

Q.52. What is rust? Explain the reaction of iron with moist air.

Q.53. What happens when copper is reacted with moist air?

Q.54. What are the uses of metals?

Q.55. What are the uses of non metals?


Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

Q.1. What are fibres? What is made from fibres?

Q.2. What are natural fibres?

Q.3. What are synthetic fibres?

Q.4. What is a polymer?

Q.5. What is called a cellulosic polymer?

Q.6. Which country probably discovered silk?

Q.7. Which is the strongest natural fibre?

Q.8. Describe silk?

Q.9. Which material is known as artificial silk?

Q.10. What are the properties of rayon fibre?

Q.11. What are the uses of rayon?

Q.12. Which was the world’s first fully synthetic fibre?

Q.13. Who developed nylon?

Q.14. How was nylon produced in 1930?

Q.15. What are the properties of nylon?

Q.16. Why NYLON is named so?

Q.17. What are the uses of Nylon?

Q.18. What is polyester?

Q.19. Name the different varieties of polyester?

Q.20. What are the properties of polyester?

Q.21. What are the uses of polyester?

Q.22. Which fibre is combined with natural fibres and man made fibres to make wrinkle free fabrics?

Q.23. What is the mixture of polyester and cotton called?

Q.24. What is the mixture of polyester and wool called?

Q.25. What is the full form of PET?

Q.26. What is the use of PET?

Q.27. Acrylic is made from what?

Q.28. Acrylic is used as an alternative of what?

Q.29. What are the advantages of synthetic fibres?

Q.30. What are the disadvantages of synthetic fibres?

Q.31. What is the difference between natural and synthetic fibres?

Q.32. What are the disadvantages of plastics?

Q.33. What are the advantages of plastics?

Q.34. What are the properties of plastics?

Q.35. What measures can be adopted to reduce plastic pollution?



Q.1. What are microorganisms? What is the other name for microorganisms?

Q.2. Who is known as the father of bacteriology?

Q.3. Who gave the germ theory of diseases?

Q.4. Who designed several techniques of handling bacteria?

Q.5. What are the characteristics of microorganisms?

Q.6. What is the study of microorganisms called?

Q.7. Where is bacteria found?

Q.8. What is the size of a bacteria?

Q.9. Bacteria is classified into how many types on the basis of shapes?

Q.10. What is a fungi?

Q.11. Name a unicellular fungus?

Q.12. Name some multicellular fungi?

Q.13. How do fungi obtain food?

Q.14. How do fungi reproduce?

Q.15. What is algae?

Q.16. Name some unicellular algae?

Q.17. Name some multicellular algae?

Q.18. What is a protozoa?

Q.19. Name some common protozoans?

Q.20. How do protozoa move?

Q.21. What is a virus?

Q.22. Which diseases are caused by viruses?

Q.23. What are virions?

Q.24. How do viruses obtain their food?

Q.25. What are the uses of microorganisms?

Q.26. Which bacteria promotes the formation of curd?

Q.27. What are the uses of bacteria?

Q.28. What is the commercial use of microorganisms?

Q.29. What is fermentation?

Q.30. What are antibiotics?

Q.31. Name some antibiotics?

Q.32. Explain how a vaccine works?

Q.33. Which diseases can be prevented by vaccination?

Q.34. Who discovered the vaccine for smallpox?

Q.35. What are communicable diseases?

Q.36. Give examples of communicable diseases?

Q.37. How do carriers of disease causing microbes work?

Q.38. Which mosquito carries the parasite of malaria? What is the parasite called?

Q.39. Name some common human diseases caused by microorganisms? State which kind of microorganisms cause these diseases?

Q.40. State different diseases of microorganisms and their modes of transmission?

Q.41. What are the preventive measures for tuberculosis, measles, chicken pox and polio?

Q.42. What are the preventive measures for cholera and typhoid?

Q.43. What is the preventive measure for Hepatitis A?

Q.44. What is the preventive measure for malaria?

Q.45. What is anthrax?

Q.46. Name some common plant diseases and which microorganisms cause them?

Q.47. What is food poisoning?

Q.48. What is a mucor?

Q.49. Give some methods of food preservation?

Q.50. How is sun drying useful for food preservation?

Q.51. What is salting?

Q.52. Name three chemicals used for food preservation?

Q.53. What is pasteurization? Who discovered it?

Crop Production and Management

 Crop Production and Management

Q.1. What is agriculture?

Q.2. What is farming?

Q.3. What is a crop?

Q.4. Name the different types of crops.

Q.5. How can crops be classified?

Q.6. The crops have been classified into which categories?

Q.7. Describe Rabi crops.

Q.8. Describe Kharif crops.

Q.9. Which agricultural practices are followed for growing crops?

Q.10. What is tilling or ploughing?

Q.11. How is turning helpful?

Q.12. Which are the main implements used for ploughing in the field?

Q.13. What is a plough?

Q.14. What is a hoe?

Q.15. What is a cultivator?

Q.16. What is sowing?

Q.17. How can we check the quality of seeds?

Q.18. What is transplantation?

Q.19. Why is transplantation useful?

Q.20. What are seedlings?

Q.21. What is manure?

Q.22. What is manuring?

Q.23. What are fertilizers?

Q.24. What are the harmful effects of fertilizers?

Q.25. How is crop rotation helpful?

Q.26. What is rhizobium?

Q.27. How is irrigation helpful to crops?

Q.28. What is irrigation?

Q.29. Which are the sources of water for irrigation?

Q.30. What are the traditional methods of irrigation?

Q.31. What are the modern methods of irrigation?

Q.32. Describe the sprinkler system?

Q.33. Describe drip irrigation? How is it useful?

Q.34. What is harvesting?

Q.35. What are weeds? What is weeding?

Q.36. Why is weeding necessary?

Q.37. What are the methods of weeding?

Q.38. What is a harrow or nanke?

Q.39. Name some weedicides?

Q.40. Name one insect used as a biological weeding agent.

Q.41. How can we protect crops from stray animals?

Q.42. Name some common pests?

Q.43. Who are pests?

Q.44. How is the chemical control of pests done?

Q.45. What are pesticides?

Q.46. What are insecticides?

Q.47. What are fungicides?

Q.48. What is winnowing?

Monday, February 6, 2023

Conservation of Plants and Animals

 Conservation of Plants and Animals

Q.1. Mention the important functions of forest?

Q.2. Which useful products are provided by forests?

Q.3. Name the variety of habitats present in India.

Q.4. Which region of India is designated as the two of the world’s twenty five hotspots of global biodiversity?

Q.5. What are the various factors leading to extinction of wild species and depletion of biodiversity?

Q.6. What causes deforestation?

Q.7. Who are exotic species?

Q.8. Why is there a need for conservation of biodiversity?

Q.9. Wildlife is needed for breeding programmes in which areas?

Q.10. What is flora?

Q.11. What is fauna?

Q.12. What forms the flora of Himachal Pradesh?

Q.13. What forms the flora of Rajasthan?

Q.14. What forms the fauna of Rajasthan?

Q.15. What are endemic species?

Q.16. Which animal is endemic to Gir forests in Gujarat?

Q.17. Himalayan weasel is endemic to which region?

Q.18. Snow leopard is endemic to which region?

Q.19. What is endemic to flora of Panchmarhi biosphere reserve?

Q.20. What does conservation of biodiversity imply?

Q.21. What are the man-made causes of deforestation?

Q.22. What are the natural causes of deforestation?

Q.23. What are the consequences of deforestation?

Q.24. What measures should be taken for forest conservation and measurement?

Q.25. What is afforestation?

Q.26. What is wildlife?

Q.27. What are the various factors responsible for wildlife destruction and depletion?

Q.28. Which species are called threatened species?

Q.29. What is the full form of IUCN?

Q.30. The threatened species has been classified into how many categories by IUCN?

Q.31. Which are endangered species? Give examples of it.

Q.32. Which are vulnerable species? Give examples of it.

Q.33. Which are rare species? Give examples of it.

Q.34. What is a Red Data Book?

Q.35. What is a sanctuary?

Q.36. How many wildlife sanctuaries are there in India?

Q.37. What is a biosphere reserve?

Q.38. A biosphere reserve is divided into how many zones?

Q.39. How many biosphere reserves are there in the world? How many are situated in India?

Q.40. Panchmarhi biosphere reserve consists of what?

Q.41. Name some projects started by the Government of India to save endangered species?

Q.42. Write a few lines about Project Tiger and Gir Lion Project.

Cell : Structure and Functions

 Cell : Structure and Functions

Q.1. What are cells?

Q.2. Who are unicellular organisms? Give examples.

Q.3. Who are multicellular organisms? Give examples.

Q.4. Explain the discovery of cells.

Q.5. Explain the structure of the cell.

Q.6. What are the constituents of protoplasm?

Q.7. Name the elements found in protoplasm.

Q.8. Which compounds are formed by the combination of elements inside protoplasm?

Q.9. What is a plasma membrane?

Q.10. What are the functions of plasma membranes?

Q.11. What is a cytoplasm?

Q.12. Which structure is called the brain of the cell?

Q.13. Name the parts of the nucleus.

Q.14. What is a nuclear membrane?

Q.15. What is nucleoplasm?

Q.16. Which structures are present in the nucleoplasm?

Q.17. What are chromosomes?

Q.18. What are the functions of the nucleus?

Q.19. Is the cell wall present in an animal cell?

Q.20. Name the organelles and give their function?

Q.21. What is a cell wall?

Q.22. What is the function of a cell wall?

Q.23. What are vacuoles?

Q.24. What is mitochondria?

Q.25. What is endoplasmic reticulum?

Q.26. What are lysosomes?

Q.27. What are centrioles?

Q.28. What is the Golgi Complex?

Q.29. Name three types of plastids found in plant cells.

Q.30. What is the function of chloroplasts?

Q.31. What is the function of chromoplast?

Q.32. Where are leucoplasts present?

Q.33. What are leviplasts?

Q.34. What are genes?

Q.35. Give the difference between a plant cell and an animal cell.

Q.36. Draw the structure of an animal cell.

Q.37. Draw the structure of a plant cell.

Combustion and Flame

  Combustion and Flame Q.1. What is the scientific term for burning? Q.2. What is combustion? Q.3. Which are the two types of substances div...